Sunday, January 9, 2011

Golf and Burgers - New Zealand Style

January 9

Jack’s Point Golf Club 

Some investors paid a lot of money to build a housing development and a Jack Nicklaus designed golf course on an old sheep station (station means ranch in Texas) just in time for the recession to hit them. Almost no houses are built, but Jack’s Point Golf Club is in great shape.

We are the beneficiaries of their real estate debacle. We played on a sunshiny Sunday morning and had the whole golf course to ourselves. At $110 New Zealand for green fee and cart, it was the best golf bargain we have seen on this trip.  The course runs along a ridge line that overlooks the lake and the city of Queenstown. It has interesting terrain and dramatic views from almost each tee box.

A grass airstrip alongside the course was busy with jump planes carrying skydivers up and dropping them over head. We could hear their chutes pop open and their screaming as they descended. Why someone would choose to jump out of a perfectly good airplane puzzles me. If it was on fire or a wing fell off, I can understand, but otherwise a jump into the thin air would certainly result in some serious dry cleaning.

Back to Q-town for lazy afternoon of strolling the village and watching the rugby championships on a field next to our hotel. We grabbed late lunch at Fergburger’s (pronounced Fergie burger). Big burger. Not our taste. Busy spot though, so some people must like them.

A grandmother from Maryland, who is on a five week backpacking trip with her 15 year old grandson, sat next to us at Fergburger. She told us she had heard about the shooting in Arizona. We got the news flash on the internet and a brief story on BBC TV. Tragic story, but we have no details yet.

Back to the Queenstown Park Hotel for our next to last night in Q-town.

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